AllPuntland Waxay Awoodaa inay soo Bandhigto  Wax ayan Kuwa kale Awoodin ! Run sheeg Waa Khayr Sheeg !

Ra'yiga Akhristaha 


Posted to the Web   May 02, 2002


 Abdulrazak Osman Dirie 

Warqaddii ku socotay PMka Itoobiya ee uu qoray Mudane C/risaaq waxay aheyd mid waaqica jira ka fog, si ula kac ahna hal dhinac eeda dusha ka saartay. 


Waxaa kaloo warqadda ka muuqatay in uu ku lug lahaa Gen. Abshir oo muddo la deganaa Raķisal Wasaa'rihii hore ee Somaliya. 


Arrintaasna waxaad ka ogaaneeysaa iyadoo Mudane C/risaaq ku cadeeyey warqadaas in wixii ka dambeeyey shirkii fashilmay ee Qahira ay Itoobiya bilaawday in arrimaha Somaliya ay farageliso! Waxaana wada ogsoonahay in SSDF ay taageero xagga rasaasta ah ay ka heli jirtay Itoobiya si ay iskaga difaacdo weeraradii Ceydiid iyo waliba dagaalkii ay kaga saartay degaankeeda Al-itihaadkii madaxda u ahaa Shekh Xasan Dahir oo Dawladda Mudane C/risaaq wantedka u ah.


Waraaqdu waxeeyan soo qaadin in hubkii iyo lacagtii lagu helay magaca qaranka Somaliyeed uu qaatay Mudane C/qaasim sida uu sheegay Mudane Cali Khaliif una adeegsaday sidii reerkiisu uu ku heysan lahaa degaan ayan laheyn.


Waxaana nasiib daro ah in nus qarni in ka badan ka dib in Somaliya ay ka jirto "Force occupation" sidii waagii gumeysiga ee uu ka dacwooday wadanigii Somaliyeed ee la oran jiray Mudane Sakhawadiin oo warqadna u qoray Mr. Attlee oo ahaa PMka Boqortooyada Ingiriiska ee 1947.


Halkaan ka akhriso warqadaas oo aan ka soo guuriyey buugga la yiraahdo:- British Military Adminstration of africa 1941-7/Lord Rennel of rodd, Page 180. 




"Your Excellency,-I have taken the liberty to draw your attention to the afflictions with which the Somali people are burdened under your government, which is represented by the British Military Adminstration. "We have heard and believed that Great Britain had sacrificed the blood and lives of her sons and daughters, and devoted all her resources of wealth and manpower, in the fight against the Axis Powers in order to make the world safe for freedom and Democracy.


"The Somalis were not the enemy of the Allies. It was their misfortune that your enemy - the Italians - forcibly occupied and subjected our country fifty years ago. We are, therefore, among the enslaved and oppressed to whom Freedom and Democracy was promised. 


"To the people of Somaliland the five years since the day of our 'liberation' have been conspicuous in their lack of humane considerations and the brutal suppression of democratic rights. To-day the British Military Adminstration is almost feared and disliked as the tyrannical Fascist Rule. 

Racial discrimination exists in Somaliland, notably at Mogadishu. 


"Collective Punishment Laws have been enacted and are enforced. They are the means of spreading terror and want among the people. 


For instance, some Askaris recently deserted. The livestock of their innocent tribesmen was seized. 


The criminals have not take refuge with the tribesmen. The incident had taken place very many miles away from the tribal area. No livestock of the deserters was in the hands of the tribesmen. The milk of live- stock is the staple food of the people. Seizure of livestock is all the more detestable in that it deprives the women and children of their means of sustenance, through no fault of their own. 


"Collective Punishment is also the root cause of the majority of killings in Somaliland, for when the ignorant tribesmen get excited at such a tyrannical act and protest against it by stone- throwing or the futile brandishing of sticks, they are shot down for rioting.


"Conscription for slave-labour exists. The poor wretches thus collected are parcelled out by the British Military Adminstration among the agricultural concessions at Genale, along the Juba River and the area held by the S.A.I.S. ( Societa Agricola Italo- Somalo ). 


The slave-labours are compelled to work in these areas under conditions which are a living mockery of Democracy and the ideas of human rights. The workers are brutally flogged in public for routine offences. "Some officers of the Adminstration flagrantly violate one of the foremost of human right-the sanctity of the person. 


Elders and respected Somalis are bullied and struck in offices by them or on their orders at any show of spririt. "The laws and policy under which our country is adminstered were forged mainly by the Italians and fascist statesmen for their own vile ends. The application of this tyrannical law by a Democratic Power is not only a great wrong but is causing the gravest miscariage of justice.


 "We recall to you the ideals and principles for which the heroes of England and the Allied countries gave their lives, and beg of you to send a disinterested and competent Commission or Mission to examine our complaint and make recommendations for the speedy relief of the causes of misrule.

 "I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servent, "ABDULKADIR SAKHAWADEEN ( a Somali ) 


Taariikhiyan, dacwaddii Sakhawadiin Ingiriisku wuu qaatay waxaana la joojiyey falalkii xumaa ee Somalidu loo geeysan jiray . 


Si kastba ha ahaatee xaqa lagama guuleysto, waraaqda Mudane C/risaaq waxaan ka garanay gayiaga uu yahay iyo waliba in Gen. Abshir oo reer Carte ah horeyna ugu fashilmay siyaasadda uu ku guuleystay in uu galaafto Raķisal Wasaarihii hore ee Somaliaya. 


Waxaa qoray:- A.O.Dirie

The opinions contained in this article are solely those of the writer, and in no way, form or shape represent the editorial opinions of

Please direct all questions on the above article to Abdulrazak O. dirie

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